White peppercorns are a popular light gray or light beige spice. It is the fruit of a pepper liana that has been processed and dried.
In terms of its qualities, white peppercorns are similar to black, but have a less sharp taste with light musky notes, not so spicy, and not everyone likes a specific aroma.
Like all spices, white pepper has a beneficial effect on the body and strengthens the immune system when used in moderation. It helps to cleanse the cardiovascular system, remove toxins, accelerates metabolic processes, and has a warming effect.
The composition of white peas includes vitamins of groups B, PP, C, macro and microelements. The use of white pepper is recommended to restore the body after serious illnesses, increase hemoglobin and sexual function.
Due to its peculiar smell, white peppercorns are not as widely used in cooking as their counterpart, black pepper. The seasoning comes from India, so it is most often used by chefs for national Indian dishes. In small quantities, it is added to fish soups, boiled beef, salads and sauces. With prolonged heat treatment, pepper can give food unnecessary bitterness, so it is added at the very end of the cooking process, then it must be removed from the dish. White peas are not used in confectionery.
White peppercorns are piquantly combined with some other spices: ginger, paprika or basil.
General characteristics
Contains sugar
Product type
Expiration date
730 days
Storage conditions
from +2°С to +25°С in hermetically sealed package
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